Detailed Programme > Day1 - Wednesday 22 Sept.


(as of September 23, 2021)


For a .pdf version of the programme, click here

ORAL SESSIONS -DAY 1 - 22nd SEPTEMBER : 20:00 - 23:15 UTC
20:00-20:15 INTRODUCTION
  •  Rowan Sutton, WCRP Lighthouse activity on Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change
  •  Doug Smith, aims of the workshop
20:15-20:45 SESSION 1 : APPROACHES
Chair: Doug Smith
 Time Presenters Title
 20:15 UTC  T. Knutson On attribution of regional decadal changes in the climate system using univariate methods
 20:20 UTC  M. Risser A regional detection and attribution formula for historical precipitation over the United States
 20:25 UTC  Z. Labe Exploring climate model large ensembles with explainable neural networks
 20:30 UTC  A. Schurer Role of three major climate modes on decadal climate variability and change
 20:35 UTC   Q&A Session
Chair: Doug Smith
 Time Presenters Title
 20:45 UTC  J. Fyfe Significant impact of forcing uncertainty in a large ensemble of climate model simulations
 20:50 UTC  K. Carslaw How much can uncertainty in aerosol forcing be reduced?
 20:55 UTC  L. Wilcox The role of anthropogenic aerosol in near-future Asian climate change
 21:00 UTC  L. Endres Revisiting the influence of solar variability on North Atlantic winter climate
 20:05 UTC   Q&A Session
21:15-21:25 BREAK
21:25-21:55 SESSION 3 : CASE STUDIES
Chair: Daniela Faggiani Dias
 Time Presenters Title
 21:25 UTC  H. Teng Heatwaves and the 1990s shift
 21:30 UTC  C. Bonfils Identifiable decadal signatures of greenhouse gases and particulate atmospheric pollution on the changing hydroclimate
 21:35 UTC  Y. Garcia Martinez Identifying the evolving human imprint on heat wave trends over Mexico and the United States
 21:40 UTC  H. Huang Rise in Northeast US Extreme Precipitation Caused by Atlantic Variability and Climate Change
 21:45 UTC   Q&A Session
21:55-22:25 SESSION 3 : CASE STUDIES (cont.)
Chair: Daniela Faggiani Dias
 Time Presenters Title
 21:55 UTC  L. Diaz Attribution of observed precipitation trends in Southern South America
 22:00 UTC  R. Jnglin Wills Large ensembles unable to simulate observed multi-decadal trends in SST and SLP
 22:05 UTC  L. Zang Using large ensembles to elucidate the possible roles of Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean SST trend
 22:10 UTC  A. Butler Stratospheric contribution to winter temperature trends in a warming climate
 22:15 UTC   Q&A Session
22:25-22:35 BREAK
22:35-23:15 POSTER SESSION DAY 1 (Chair: Nathan Gillett)
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