Detailed Programme > Day2 Thursday 23 Sept.


(as of September 23, 2021)

For a .pdf version of the programme, click here 

ORAL SESSIONS -DAY 2 - 23rd SEPTEMBER : 12:00 - 15:30 UTC
Chair: Lijing Cheng
 Time Presenters Title
 12:00 UTC  J. Kennedy Where noise and signal collide: observational challenges for monitoring global change at the limits of detectability
 12:05 UTC  A. Storto The 20th century global warming signature on the ocean at global and basin scales as depicted from historical reanalyses
 12:10 UTC  A. K. Steiner Satellite observations for detection and attribution of atmospheric temperature change
 12:15 UTC  K. Lyu Projected ocean warming constrained by the Argo-era ocean
 12:20 UTC   Q&A Session
Chair: Lijing Cheng
 Time Presenters Title
 12:30 UTC  K. Haustein A limited role for unforced internal variability in 20th century warming
 12:35 UTC  R. Bonnet Increased risk of near term global warming due to a recent AMOC weakening
 12:40 UTC  Y. Silvy Towards understanding the mechanisms of anthropogenic temperature and salinity emergence in the ocean
 12:45 UTC  D. Smith What if modelled signals are too weak?
 12:50 UTC   Q&A Session
13:00-13:10 BREAK
13:10-13:40 SESSION 6 : PACIFIC
Chair: Flavio Lehner
 Time Presenters Title
 13:10 UTC  M. Watanabe Enhanced near-term warming constrained by past trends in the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature gradient
 13:15 UTC  Y. Ruprich-Robert Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) on the tropical Pacific: a multi-model study
 13:20 UTC  A. Dittus The role of aerosol forcing in recent Pacific multi-decadal variability
 13:25 UTC  A. Capotondi A CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel Working Group on Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability: Goals and possible synergies
 13:30 UTC   Q&A Session
13:40-14:10 SESSION 7 : ATLANTIC
Chair: Flavio Lehner
 Time Presenters Title
 13:40 UTC  M. Menary Aerosol-forced AMOC changes in CMIP6 historical simulations
 13:45 UTC  J. Robson How does anthropogenic aerosol forcing drive a strengthening of the AMOC in CMIP6 historical simulations?
 13:50 UTC  D. Grosvenor What controls the historical timeseries of shortwave fluxes in the North Atlantic?
 13:55 UTC  B. Ferster Sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and climate to tropical Indian Ocean warming
 14:00 UTC   Q&A Session
14:10-14:20 BREAK
Chair: Leandro Diaz
 Time Presenters Tittle
 14:20 UTC  L. Borchert Natural forcing influence on decadal subpolar North Atlantic temperature variations and implications for predictions
 14:25 UTC  S-W Fang Disentangling Internal and External Contribution to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability over Past Millennium
 14:30 UTC  L. Suarez-Gutierrez The Decadal Variability of Extreme European Heat (Withdrawn)
 14:35 UTC  B. Dong Recent decadal weakening of the Eurasian westerly jet attributable to anthropogenic aerosol emissions
 14:40 UTC   Q&A Session
14:50-15:30 BREAK OUT GROUPS
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